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S.C. Neonatology U

Principal Investigator (PI)/Coordinator: Prof. Enrico Bertino


  • Prof. Enrico Bertino, Full Professor, Head of Research Team
  • Dr. Chiara Peila, Junior Lecturer
  • Dr. Stefano Sottemano, Research Fellow
  • Dr. Giulia Maiocco, Medical Resident
  • Dr. Alessandra Coscia, Medical Executive (National Health Service)
  • Dr. Francesco Cresi, Medical Executive (National Health Service)
  • Dr. Elena Maggiora, Medical Executive (National Health Service)
  • Dr. Agata Leone, Medical Executive (National Health Service)
  • Dr. Paola Tonetto, Medical Executive (National Health Service)

PI contacts
Prof. Bertino Enrico
Phone: +39 0113135775; +39 335255183
Webex Room
SC Neonatologia U., Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino
Via Ventimiglia 1, 10126 Torino

Research Activities 
Neonatology is part of a national (University of Chieti, ISPA-CNR of Turin) and international (University of Warsaw, University of Amsterdam, Tellspec LDT of London, University of Oxford, etc.) network promoting studies on:

  1. Evaluation of the biological and nutritional aspects of human milk with particular attention to the variables influencing its composition: maternal diet, maternal diseases, innovative thermal treatments;
  2. Characterization of human milk mesenchymal stromal cells;
  3. New human milk fortifier;
  4. Validation of new tools for the analysis of human milk for its individualized fortification;
  5. Evaluation of oral feeding in preterm infants;
  6. Post-natal growth of preterm infants;
  7. Infants Outcomes in relation to twin pregnancies, to mothers with autoimmune diseases, nephropathies, congenital CMV infections;
  8. Neurosensory development in newborns;
  9. Effectiveness of synchronized and non-synchronized non-invasive ventilation in preterm infants.

Furthermore, Neonatology is currently involved in the coordination of multicentric RCTs to evaluate:

  1. the effects of non-invasive ventilation on feeding tolerance in the premature infant;
  2. the impact of the use of dextrose gel for the prevention and treatment of neonatal hypoglycemia.
Last update: 09/03/2022 13:16
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