Vai al contenuto principale

Teachers of the SSN

  • Abrardi Marco Tullio
  • Trainees

  • Abrigo Enrica
  • Accardo Vittorio
  • Research fellows

  • Adamini Aloe
  • Trainees

  • Albanese Serena
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Albanesi Beatrice
  • Research fellows

  • Albano Camilla
  • Collaborators

  • Alfarano Alda
  • Associate Professors

  • Allizond Valeria
  • Contract Professors

  • Almondo Paolo
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Alovisi Carlo
  • Altini Pietro
  • Amerio Simonetta
  • Andreacchio Antonio
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Aneli Serena
  • Tutors

  • Antonelli Veronica
  • PhD students

  • Antonello Giulia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Ariotti Maria Chiara
  • Others

  • Asaftei Sebastian Dorin
  • Trainees

  • Aschieri Carola
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Asnaghi Valentina
  • Trainees

  • Asteggiano Monica
  • Tutors

  • Atzori Maria Carmela
  • Trainees

  • Augustoni Elisabetta
  • Avellis Vincenzo
  • Tutors

  • Bachelet Carla Maria
  • Trainees

  • Badiali Laura
  • Collaborators

  • Bagna Rossana
  • Trainees

  • Balbo Stefano
  • Baldini Letizia
  • Tutors

  • Balmasseda Tiziano
  • PhD students

  • Banche Niclot Alessia Giovanna Santa
  • Professors

  • Banche Giuliana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Banchio Barbara
  • Trainees

  • Barbero Arianna
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Barbero Maggiorino
  • Others

  • Barisone Elena
  • Trainees

  • Barisone Elisa
  • Barolo Roberta
  • Research fellows

  • Barone Marta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Baruffaldi Lucia
  • Trainees

  • Basile Alessandro
  • Collaborators

  • Basso Maria Eleonora
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bazzano Daniela
  • Bazzo Rossella
  • Tutors

  • Beatrice Manuela
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bellagamba Marco
  • Bellomo Alberto
  • Trainees

  • Bellucca Simone
  • Beneduce Alessandro
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Benso Piergiorgio
  • PhD students

  • Berardinelli Daniela
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Berardi Silvia
  • Berbotto Emanuela
  • Bergadano Anna
  • Trainees

  • Bergalla Mattia
  • Associate Professors

  • Bergallo Massimiliano
  • Professors

  • Bergamaschi Enrico
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Berghelli Anna Rita
  • Bergonzo Daniela
  • Tutors

  • Berlese Emanuela
  • Contract Professors

  • Bernardini Riccardo
  • Research fellows

  • Bersia Michela
  • Professors

  • Bert Fabrizio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bertin Daniele
  • Professors

  • Bertino Enrico
  • Contract Professors

  • Bertolini Maurizio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bertolotti Marina
  • Trainees

  • Bertone Serena
  • Collaborators

  • Bertorello Nicoletta
  • Trainees

  • Betassa Corinna
  • Tutors

  • Bettega Annarita
  • Collaborators

  • Bianchi Maurizio
  • Bianucci Raffaella
  • Biasin Eleonora
  • Associate Professors

  • Biolatti Matteo
  • Trainees

  • Boattini Matteo
  • Bodrero Enrico
  • Boietti Edoardo
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bologna Debora
  • Trainees

  • Bombaci Sabrina
  • Bonaccurso Luana
  • Bonci Camilla
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Bondi Alessandro
  • Associate Professors

  • Bonetta Sara
  • Trainees

  • Bonino Elisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bonino Marisa
  • Professors

  • Bono Roberto
  • Trainees

  • Bordino Valerio
  • Tutors

  • Borgarello Anna Maria
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Borgione Silvia Maria
  • Trainees

  • Borgna Lorenza Giuditta
  • Borgogno Marta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Borgomanero Valeria
  • Trainees

  • Bormida Francesca
  • Associate Professors

  • Borraccino Alberto
  • Trainees

  • Borsani Matteo
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bosco Caterina
  • Contract Professors

  • Bosco Nicole
  • Tutors

  • Bossola Elisa
  • Trainees

  • Bottes Erica
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Bove Annabella
  • Tutors

  • Bragato Nives
  • Brandino Massimo
  • Trainees

  • Bruno Ilaria
  • Tutors

  • Bucciero Barbara
  • Research fellows

  • Buglisi Martina
  • Trainees

  • Burzi Edoardo
  • Bussolino Roberta
  • Tutors

  • Buttò Cristina
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Cafaro Raffaele
  • Trainees

  • Caggia Nicola Francesco
  • Research fellows

  • Cagnazzo Celeste
  • Trainees

  • Calabrese Francesco
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Calabretta Giuseppe
  • Calcagno Luisa Mariangela
  • Contract Professors

  • Caldarera Angela Maria
  • Tutors

  • Caligiuri Orsola
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Callegaro Donatella
  • Calocero Donato Antonio
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Calvi Cristina
  • Trainees

  • Camelli Vittoria
  • Campagna Krissen
  • Associate Professors

  • Campagna Sara
  • Trainees

  • Campello Anna
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Campione Andrea
  • Trainees

  • Campisi Frasca' Giacomo
  • Tutors

  • Candeletti Piera
  • Trainees

  • Caniglia Michele
  • Canta Ilaria
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cantoira Sara
  • Trainees

  • Capello Francesca
  • Capetti Cecilia
  • Capitanio Martina
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Caprioglio Adriana
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Carando Adriana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Carbone Giorgio
  • Trainees

  • Carboni Michele
  • Carcuro Carmela
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Cardaropoli Simona
  • Trainees

  • Carena Elisa
  • Relating to temporary

  • Carletto Giulia
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Carli Diana
  • Tutors

  • Carnino Antonella
  • Trainees

  • Carpino Andrea
  • Associate Professors

  • Carraro Elisabetta
  • PhD students

  • Casabona Elena
  • Trainees

  • Casale Roberto
  • Tutors

  • Casalis Claudia
  • Trainees

  • Castagneris Carlotta
  • Castagno Irene
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Castello Mario
  • Castello Raffaele
  • Research fellows

  • Castillo Pacheco Sergio Fernando
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Catanesi Carlo
  • Trainees

  • Catozzi Dario
  • Cattaneo Francesco
  • Research fellows

  • Cavallina Ilaria
  • Emeritus Professors

  • Cavallo Franco
  • Research fellows

  • Cavallo Lorenza
  • Professors

  • Cavallo Rossana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cecchin Silvana
  • Trainees

  • Cena Greta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Centrella Denise
  • Trainees

  • Ceolin Valeria
  • Cereda Lidia
  • Associate Professors

  • Charrier Lorena
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Chiantor Luana
  • Contract Professors

  • Chiappi Massimo
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Chierto Elena
  • Tutors

  • Chiomento Bianca
  • Ciarlariello Maria Giovanna
  • Trainees

  • Cicchini Alessandra
  • Cigliano Fabrizio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cimino Antonino
  • Associate Professors

  • Ciocan Catalina
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cirio Franco
  • Cirio Luigi
  • Trainees

  • Cirone Carlotta
  • Citino Erminia
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Clari Marco
  • Trainees

  • Clemente Giuseppe
  • Attendees

  • Cocchi Enrico
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cogno Stefania
  • Cogo Fabrizia
  • Tutors

  • Colaferro Laura
  • Trainees

  • Colantonio Erica
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Colino Vincenzo
  • Trainees

  • Colli Gianluca
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Colonna Ombretta Maria
  • Tutors

  • Colpo Monica
  • Trainees

  • Comini Sara
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Comolli Emilia
  • Tenure-track Assistant Professors

  • Comoretto Rosanna Irene
  • Tutors

  • Compagnoni Barbara
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Condemi Francesca
  • Coni Anna
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Conti Alessio
  • Trainees

  • Coppo Diletta
  • Collaborators

  • Coppo Paola
  • Contract Professors

  • Coppo Rosanna
  • Trainees

  • Corezzi Michele
  • Corgiat Loia Riccardo
  • Cornio Alessandro Roberto
  • Corradi Alessio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Corsi Massimo
  • Associate Professors

  • Coscia Alessandra
  • Tutors

  • Cosentino Valentina
  • Professors

  • Costa Cristina
  • Trainees

  • Costagliola Giulia
  • Collaborators

  • Costa Luciana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Costamagna Graziella
  • Trainees

  • Covizzi Carlotta
  • Tutors

  • Cravero Chiara
  • Collaborators

  • Crescenzio Nicoletta
  • Trainees

  • Cudia Valentina Francesca
  • Professors

  • Cuffini Anna Maria
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Cugliari Gualtiero
  • Trainees

  • Cugudda Eleonora
  • Relating to temporary

  • Cuomo Maria Cocetta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Curci Daniele
  • Trainees

  • D' Alessandro Rossella
  • D' Amico Marika
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • D' Ambrosio Virginia
  • D' Anna Maria Rita
  • Tutors

  • D'antoni Luca
  • Daddea Manuela Laura
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Dal Fitto Annalisa
  • Trainees

  • Dall' Olio Elena
  • Dallan Alice
  • Professors

  • Dalmasso Paola
  • Contract Professors

  • Damasco Christian
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Davico Chiara
  • Associate Professors

  • De Andrea Marco
  • Trainees

  • De Lio Gabriella
  • De Marco Angela
  • De Piano Maria Luigia
  • Associate Professors

  • De Sanctis Luisa
  • Trainees

  • Deantoni Sonia
  • Declementi Michael
  • Tutors

  • Defranceschi Andrea Luigi
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Degan Raffaella
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Deiana Cecilia
  • Trainees

  • Del Monte Francesco
  • Dell' Anna Vito Andrea
  • Associate Professors

  • Dell'oste Valentina
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Dello Russo Carolina
  • Tutors

  • Delmastro Renza
  • Scholars

  • Denina Marco
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Di Bari Paolina
  • Di Fine Giovanni
  • Research fellows

  • Di Franco Francesca
  • Associate Professors

  • Di Giulio Paola
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Di Liberto Katiuscia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Di Maio Pasquale
  • Trainees

  • Di Martino Valentina
  • Collaborators

  • Di Nicola Paola
  • Professors

  • Di Vella Giancarlo
  • Trainees

  • Dimino Gaia
  • Professors

  • Dimonte Valerio
  • Research fellows

  • Dini Maddalena
  • Trainees

  • Dipierro Mariangela
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Ditommaso Savina
  • Tutors

  • Domini Debora
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Donadio Paola
  • Tutors

  • Donà Barbara
  • Druhus Iuliana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Dutto Riccardo
  • PhD students

  • El Sherbiny Samar
  • Trainees

  • Elhadidy Heba Safwat Mhmoued Abdo
  • Faccioli Elena
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Facco Simona
  • Trainees

  • Fadda Carla
  • Fagiano Riccardo
  • Professors

  • Fagioli Franca
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Falcetta Riccardo
  • Contract Professors

  • Fantauzzi Annamaria
  • Collaborators

  • Farinasso Daniela
  • Farinasso Loredana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Fasciana Michele
  • Contract Professors

  • Fava Franco Alessandro
  • Trainees

  • Favole Irene
  • Associate Professors

  • Fea Elisabetta
  • Contract Professors

  • Femiano Salvatore
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Feraiorni Paola
  • Tutors

  • Ferlazzo Sandra
  • Trainees

  • Ferrante Alice
  • Ferrero Anna
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Ferrero Ivana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Ferrero Laura Maria
  • Ferretti Carmela
  • Research fellows

  • Filippetti Sofia
  • Contract Professors

  • Finco Daniela
  • Collaborators

  • Flesca Clotilde
  • Trainees

  • Fontani Eleonora
  • Forghieri Pietro
  • Tutors

  • Formati Enrico
  • Trainees

  • Fornari Federico
  • Tutors

  • Fornelli Coletti Cinzia
  • Fornero Paola
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Fragiacomo Angela
  • Trainees

  • Frammartino Roberto
  • Franceschi Luisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Franchi Ivana
  • Franchin Paola
  • Franco Maria Pia
  • Trainees

  • Franco Nicolò
  • Research fellows

  • Funiciello Elisa
  • Trainees

  • Fusillo Anna
  • Gabriele Alessandro
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Gagliano Marcello
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Galaverna Lucia
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Galliano Ilaria
  • Tutors

  • Gallo Domenica
  • Gallo Sara Aurora Celeste
  • Trainees

  • Galvagno Pietro Francesco
  • PhD students

  • Gamberini Giorgia
  • Trainees

  • Gandino Serena
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Garavelli Pietro Luigi
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Garazzino Silvia
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Garelli Emanuela
  • Trainees

  • Garlasco Jacopo
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Garrone Ornella
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Garzaro Giacomo
  • Scholars

  • Gasparro Elisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Gastaldi Ezio
  • PhD students

  • Gazzin Andrea
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Gea Marta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Gentile Luca
  • Gentile Wilma
  • Geretto Paolo
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Ghelli Federica
  • Trainees

  • Ghibaudo Davide
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Ghiselli Gianluca
  • Giaccone Mario
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Giacomuzzi Monica
  • Associate Professors

  • Gianino Maria Michela
  • Trainees

  • Giannitto Giorgio Giovanni
  • Giannone Simona
  • Giannone Virginia
  • Scholars

  • Gili Sara
  • Emeritus Professors

  • Gilli Giorgio
  • Trainees

  • Gintoli Irene
  • Research fellows

  • Giordano Mario
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Giove Marcello
  • Trainees

  • Giraudi Stefano
  • Giraudo Isaac
  • Giugliano Laura
  • Giusto Cecilia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Gliozzi Giovanna
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Godono Alessandro
  • Trainees

  • Golzio Federica
  • Lecturers by agreement

  • Gonella Marco
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Gorrasi Ilaria Silvia Rossella
  • Trainees

  • Granaglia Claudia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Graziani Beatrice
  • Greco Gabriella
  • (RTDa) Research Fellows

  • Griffante Gloria
  • Trainees

  • Grillo Eugenio
  • Grimaldi Piercesare
  • Tutors

  • Grosso Mario
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Guardione Roberta
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Gugliesi Francesca
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Gulino Giuseppe
  • Gurioli Lorenzo
  • Research fellows

  • Gurrieri Maura
  • Tutors

  • Ianniello Luisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Imazio Massimo
  • Trainees

  • Innocenzi Fabio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Iraldi Graziano
  • Trainees

  • Iuretig Natashia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Ivani Giorgio
  • Trainees

  • Kakaa Omar
  • PhD students

  • Koumantakis Emanuele
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • L' Abbate Grazia Maria
  • Tutors

  • La Cognata Cinzia
  • Lanzarone Salvatore
  • Collaborators

  • Laudati Roberto
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Laurenzana Maria Angela
  • Tutors

  • Lazzarin Elena
  • Professors

  • Lemma Patrizia
  • Trainees

  • Lenti Federica
  • Collaborators

  • Leone Agata
  • Tutors

  • Leonte Anna Maria
  • Levi Davide
  • Trainees

  • Libero Giulia
  • Librandi Katia
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Lijoi Stefano
  • Scholars

  • Lingua Giulia
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Lo Moro Giuseppina
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Lo Nigro Cristiana
  • Trainees

  • Lo Presti Chiara
  • Tutors

  • Lombardo Annalisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Lombardo Paola
  • Trainees

  • Lonardi Pietro
  • Longo Denis
  • Lecturers by agreement

  • Longo Elena
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Longo Roberto
  • (RTDb) Assistant Professors

  • Lupariello Francesco
  • Trainees

  • Lux Caterina Maria
  • Tutors

  • Macaluso Valentina
  • Trainees

  • Maddaloni Chiara
  • Madella Stefania
  • Tutors

  • Magagna Michela
  • Magro Andrea
  • Trainees

  • Maiocco Giulia
  • Tutors

  • Maitan Patrizia
  • Mancas Elena
  • Associate Professors

  • Mandras Narcisa
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Manini Claudia
  • Research fellows

  • Maniscalco Eleonora
  • Trainees

  • Mansour Ihab
  • Associate Professors

  • Manzoni Paolo
  • Trainees

  • Marcia Marta
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Marciano Guglielmo
  • Tenure-track Assistant Professors

  • Marcotulli Daniele
  • Trainees

  • Marengo Cecilia
  • Marengo Noemi
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Mareschi Katia
  • Mariella Giuseppe
  • Research fellows

  • Marini Elena
  • Tutors

  • Marini Erika
  • Trainees

  • Marocco Lucia
  • Marraffa Pietro
  • Martella Manuela
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Martielli Michela
  • Professors

  • Martinuzzi Andrea
  • Trainees

  • Martone Gianluca
  • Tutors

  • Marturana Maria
  • Trainees

  • Marzolla Marco
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Mascaro Saveria
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Massariello Patrizia
  • Research fellows

  • Massini Giulia
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Mastore Isabella
  • Trainees

  • Mattioda Giuliana
  • Mattivi Chiara
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Mattutino Grazia
  • Trainees

  • Mazzetti Giulia
  • Meddis Davide
  • Melloni Niccolo
  • Research fellows

  • Memoli Gabriele
  • Menotti Francesca
  • Tutors

  • Michelis Fabrizio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Mighetto Lorenzo
  • Associate Professors

  • Migliaretti Giuseppe
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Milanesio Erika
  • Trainees

  • Milanesio Nicolò
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Milano Graziella
  • Tutors

  • Milia Rosanna
  • Trainees

  • Minero Carlo Maria
  • Minutiello Ettore
  • Mirra Ilenia
  • Mirri Federica
  • Miserere Edoardo
  • Mogni Roberta
  • Moirano Giovenale
  • Tutors

  • Monferrato Rita
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Montanari Paola
  • Contract Professors

  • Monticone Tiziana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Morena Anna Maria
  • Trainees

  • Moretti Marta
  • Moretto Martina
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Mortara Giulia
  • Contract Professors

  • Moschese Valeria
  • Trainees

  • Mulatero Roberta
  • Munarin Jessica
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Mura Gabriella
  • Collaborators

  • Murru Pierclaudio
  • Associate Professors

  • Mussa Alessandro
  • Emeritus Professors

  • Mussa Giancarlo
  • Professors

  • Musso Tiziana
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Nallino Maria Gabriella
  • Tutors

  • Nardinocchi Fabio
  • Trainees

  • Natta Giulia
  • Neirotti Alessandro
  • Contract Professors

  • Nervi Federico
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Nicocia Margherita
  • Trainees

  • Nocco Nicola
  • Novara Chiara
  • Tutors

  • Noviello Vincenza
  • Trainees

  • Nunziata Vittoria
  • Associate Professors

  • Nuzzolese Emilio
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Obert Mara
  • Research fellows

  • Olagnero Jacopo Maria
  • Trainees

  • Olimpico Giorgia
  • Tutors

  • Ollino Nadia
  • Trainees

  • Operti Matteo
  • Collaborators

  • Orazietti Rodolfo
  • Trainees

  • Ottino Micol
  • Technical and administrative staff

  • Paccagnella Eleonora
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Pacileo Guglielmo
  • Tutors

  • Pagliuca Anna Maria
  • Teachers of the SSN

  • Palermo Vincenza
  • Palma Lidia
  • Trainees

  • Panero Bruna
  • Research fellows

  • Panero Elisa
  • PhD students

  • Panizzolo Marco
  • Trainees

  • Pantani Clarissa
  • Research fellows

  • Pappalardo Alessia
  • Trainees

  • Paradisi Ettore
  • Pages:
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